Update, 4/26

On Wednesday, April 30th, the annual WBAL and PSAL Championship Prelims will once again befall high school swimmers contained within these the South Bay private school leagues. For everyone on the team who has not yet qualified for CCS (Central Coast Section), this meet is crucial--it is not only the last all-inclusive meet of the season, but also the second-to-last chance to qualify.

Clearly, the pressure is on. And as with any other high-pressure situation, astute high school students find ways to gain an edge through preparation (the SAT comes to mind). Upon reflection, it may actually be the coaches who are zealously monitoring the food and sleep intake of the athletes. 

"Avoid all fatty foods," "Get plenty of sleep starting a few weeks before," "Plenty of vegetables and fruit," Bart reminds us, insisting that these temporary lifestyle changes will provide increased vitality and stamina.

It is this sound advice that all members of the team follow obediently as they bend over in the lunchroom to grab a banana, whilst sadly but willfully ignoring the titillating scent of the tray of curly fries. This small act of acesticism soon forgotten, the athletes (in the past) proceed to shave many seconds off their previous best times, and later reflect that eating well and sleeping are, in fact, advantageous. 

But after leagues, they restart pulling all-nighters and devouring pizza with ranch. After all, the goal has been achieved; the team has won. So they ask, "What's at stake now?" 

The answer? Your life.


  1. S T said...
    Excellent. You are a truly talented writer.
    MKL said...
    hello tina!
    tis miriam
    MoMo said...
    thats kind of scary tina...
    Priya said...
    hey tina :]

    I totally agree with Shizuka
    tycaptainobvious said...
    hello there tinar.
    that was very deep(:
    Miss Red said...
    dear tinar,

    i now see that your writing skills are on par with your swimming skills. i really enjoyed reading your piece. update more! i want to read more!

    miss red

    p.s. maybe this isn't as good as a *you-know-who* comment, but still nice =)

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